File: classes/cchat.class.php

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  Classes of Martin Latter   JavaScript Cryptographic Chat   classes/cchat.class.php   Download  
File: classes/cchat.class.php
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: JavaScript Cryptographic Chat
Chat system that exchanges encrypted messages
Author: By
Last change: update cchat.class.php to PHP 7.2
revise install.php
- allow for existence of previously-created CChat user
- default password: slightly increase complexity to avoid MySQL complaints
- MySQL 8: bypass default password module authentication requirements
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 5,980 bytes


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<?php declare(strict_types=1); class Chatbox { /** * Crypto Chatbox. * * @author Martin Latter * @copyright Martin Latter, September 2013 * @version 2.05 * @license GNU GPL version 3.0 (GPL v3); * @link */ const DEBUG = false; const DB_HOST = 'localhost'; const DB_NAME = 'cchat'; const DB_TABLE = 'chatbox'; const DB_USERNAME = 'messenger'; const DB_PASSWORD = 'P@55w0rd'; const MESSAGE_BUFFER = 3600; # 1 hour of messages displayed const BR = '<br>'; const LB = '~'; /** * Connect to the database. * * @return mysqli object */ private static function getConnection(): mysqli { $oConnection = new mysqli(self::DB_HOST, self::DB_USERNAME, self::DB_PASSWORD, self::DB_NAME); if ($oConnection->connect_errno > 0) { die('Connection failed: ' . $oConnection->connect_errno . ') ' . $oConnection->connect_error); } return $oConnection; } /** * Output chatbox message. * * @return string */ public static function outputMessages(): string { $iTime = time() - self::MESSAGE_BUFFER; $sOutput = ''; $sTemp = ''; $oConn = self::getConnection(); $sQuery = ' SELECT name, message FROM ' . self::DB_TABLE . ' WHERE date > ' . $iTime; $rResults = $oConn->query($sQuery); while ($aResults = $rResults->fetch_assoc()) { $sOutput .= stripslashes($aResults['name']) . ': '; $sTemp = $aResults['message']; $sTemp = '<span class="m">' . $sTemp . '</span>'; $sOutput .= stripslashes($sTemp); $sOutput .= self::BR; } $rResults->close(); $oConn->close(); return $sOutput; } /** * Check for new chatbox message. * * @return string */ public static function checkForUpdate(): string { if ( ! isset($_POST['id'])) { exit; } $sOutput = ''; $sTemp = ''; $oConn = self::getConnection(); $sID = self::dbSafe($_POST['id'], $oConn); if ($sID !== '0') { $sQuery = ' SELECT id FROM ' . self::DB_TABLE .' WHERE id > ' . $sID; $rResults = $oConn->query($sQuery); $aResults = $rResults->fetch_row(); if ( ! $aResults) # no new messages { $a = array('id' => $sID, 'n' => '', 'm' => ''); $sOutput .= '[' . json_encode($a) . ']'; } else # new messages { $aJSON = array(); $sQuery = ' SELECT id, name, message FROM ' . self::DB_TABLE . ' WHERE id > ' . $sID; $rResults = $oConn->query($sQuery); # need to query again, else blank results between browser windows while ($aResults = $rResults->fetch_assoc()) { $sTemp = str_ireplace(self::LB, self::BR, $aResults['message']); $aJSON[] = json_encode(array('id' => $aResults['id'], 'n' => $aResults['name'], 'm' => $sTemp)); } $sOutput .= '[' . join(',', $aJSON) . ']'; $rResults->close(); $oConn->close(); } } else { $sQuery = ' SELECT id FROM ' . self::DB_TABLE . ' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1'; $rResults = $oConn->query($sQuery); $aResult = $rResults->fetch_row(); $sID = $aResult[0]; $rResults->close(); $oConn->close(); $a = array('id' => $sID, 'n' => '', 'm' => ''); $sOutput .= '[' . json_encode($a) . ']'; } return $sOutput; } /** * Add a chatbox message to the database. * * @return string|null */ public static function addMessage(): ?string { if ( ! isset($_POST['n'])) { return ''; } $bInsertion = false; $oConn = self::getConnection(); $sName = self::dbSafe(rawurldecode($_POST['n']), $oConn); $sMessage = self::dbSafe($_POST['m'], $oConn); $iDate = time(); $sInsert = ' INSERT INTO ' . self::DB_TABLE . ' (name, message, date) VALUES(?, ?, ?)'; $oStmt = $oConn->stmt_init(); $oStmt->prepare($sInsert); $oStmt->bind_param('ssi', $sName, $sMessage, $iDate); $oStmt->execute(); if ($oStmt->affected_rows) { $bInsertion = true; } $iID = $oStmt->insert_id; # find ID from insert $oStmt->close(); $oConn->close(); if ($bInsertion) { $a = array('id' => $iID, 'n' => $sName, 'm' => $sMessage); $sOutput = json_encode($a); # NB no square brackets return $sOutput; } else { if (self::DEBUG) { return 'Row could not be inserted into table.'; } else { return null; } } } /** * Sanitize string for database input. * * @param string $sExt, external string to be sanitized * @param object $oConn, database connection * * @return string */ private static function dbSafe($sExt, mysqli &$oConn): string { return $oConn->real_escape_string(strip_tags(stripslashes(trim($sExt)))); } }