File: tutechie.html

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File: tutechie.html
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: sample
Class: tutechie
Plug-in to support jQuery touch events
Author: By
Last change: Update of tutechie.html
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 5,908 bytes


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<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <!-- <script src="zepto.js"></script> <script src=""></script> --> <script src="basic-compat.js"></script> <script src="tutechie.js"></script> <style> #galleryTest, #galleryTest2{ overflow: hidden;width:400px;height:200px;position:relative;background: #333;} #galleryTest img, #galleryTest2 img{ position:absolute; left:0;right:0;} </style> </head> <body> <h2>Testing Swipe right/left</h2> <div id="galleryTest" > <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> </div> Tap and long Tap me to see a message appear in the console on the right <br /> <h2>Testing drag </h2> <div id="galleryTest2" > <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> </div> zoomin/out activable by pinch or mousewheel <pre style="position:absolute;right:10px;top:10px; width:300px;height:600px;border:solid silver 1px" id="pre"></pre> <script> /*global $*/ /*jshint expr:true,browser:true*/ //--initilaise gallery /** * code is made abnormally complex to manage compatibility between jQuery/Zepto/basic-compat libraries. */ function log(){ var p = $('#pre')[0]; p.innerHTML +=,', ')+'\n'; } function logJ(){ return log(JSON.stringify(arguments)); } function gallery(container,draggable){ if( ! (this instanceof gallery) ){ return new gallery(container,draggable); } var g = this; g.draggable = draggable; g.container = $(container); g.zoom = 1; g.offset = {left:this.container[0].left,top:this.container[0].top}; g.currentSlide = 0; g.width = window.getComputedStyle(g.container[0]).width; g.slides = []; $('img',g.container).each(function(k,v){ v.setAttribute('data-slideId',k); v.setAttribute('draggable',false); if(k){ = g.width; } g.slides.push($(v)); }); g.lastSlideId = parseInt($('img:last-child',g.container)[0].getAttribute('data-slideId'),10); g.container.on('Touchstart',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }); if( !draggable ){ g.container .on('Tap',function(){ log('you just tapped me'); }) .on('Heldtap',function(){ log('you just tapped me so long'); }) .on('Swipe',function(e){ if( e.direction ==='left'){ g.goNext(); }else if( e.direction === 'right'){ g.goPrev(); } log('swiped '+e.direction); }) ; }else{ g.container.on('Move',function(e){ var w = parseInt(g.width,10) ,prev = g.getSlide(g.currentSlide === 0 ? g.lastSlideId : (g.currentSlide-1))[0] ,next = g.getSlide(g.currentSlide === g.lastSlideId ? 0 : (g.currentSlide+1))[0] ,current = g.getSlide(g.currentSlide)[0] ,distanceX = Math.min(w,Math.max(-w,e.distanceX)) ; $([prev,current,next]).each(function(){ this.setAttribute('style',''); }); = distanceX+'px'; = (distanceX-w)+'px'; = (distanceX+w)+'px'; }); g.container.on('Moveend',function(e){ var treshold = parseInt(g.width,10)*0.33; if( Math.abs(e.distanceX) > treshold ){ e.distanceX > 0 ? g.goPrev() : g.goNext(); }else{ g.getSlide(g.currentSlide)[0].setAttribute('style','left:0;-webkit-transition: left '+(500*(Math.abs(e.distanceX)/treshold))+'ms linear;z-index:1'); } }); } g.container .on('Zoomin',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var factor = e.isTouchEvent ? 0.02 : 0.1; (g.zoom+=factor) > 2 && (g.zoom = 2); g.container[0].style.webkitTransform = 'scale('+g.zoom+')'; g.container[0].style.transform = 'scale('+g.zoom+')'; }) .on('Zoomout',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var factor = e.isTouchEvent ? 0.02 : 0.1; (g.zoom-=factor) < 0.5 && (g.zoom = 0.5); g.container[0].style.webkitTransform = 'scale('+g.zoom+')'; g.container[0].style.transform = 'scale('+g.zoom+')'; }) ; } gallery.prototype.getSlide = function(id){ return this.slides[id]; }; gallery.prototype.goNext=function(){ var g=this,next = g.currentSlide+1; if( next > g.lastSlideId){ next = 0; } if( $.fn.animate ){ g.getSlide(g.currentSlide).animate({left:'-'+g.width},500); (! g.draggable) && g.getSlide(next).css('left',g.width); g.getSlide(next).animate({left:0},500); }else{ (function(cur,next){ (! g.draggable) && next.setAttribute('style','left:'+g.width); setTimeout(function(){ next.setAttribute('style','left:0; -webkit-transition: left 500ms linear'); cur.setAttribute('style','left:-'+g.width+'; -webkit-transition: left 500ms linear'); },0); })(g.getSlide(g.currentSlide)[0],g.getSlide(next)[0]); } g.currentSlide=next; }; gallery.prototype.goPrev=function(){ var g=this, next = g.currentSlide-1; if( next < 0 ){ next = g.lastSlideId; } if( $.fn.animate ){ g.getSlide(g.currentSlide).animate({left:g.width},500); (! g.draggable) && g.getSlide(next).css('left','-'+g.width); g.getSlide(next).animate({left:0},500); }else{ (function(cur,next){ (! g.draggable) && next.setAttribute('style','left:-'+g.width); setTimeout(function(){ next.setAttribute('style','left:0; -webkit-transition: left 500ms linear'); cur.setAttribute('style','left:'+g.width+'; -webkit-transition: left 500ms linear'); },0); })(g.getSlide(g.currentSlide)[0],g.getSlide(next)[0]); } g.currentSlide=next; }; gallery('#galleryTest',false); gallery('#galleryTest2',true); </script> </body> </html>