jQuery msgbox: Show alert messages of many types in page elements

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thrak-msgbox 1.2.6BSD License1.0HTML, jQuery


This object can show alert messages of many types in page elements.

It can create dialog elements to show alert messages that are alternatives to the native JavaScript functions alert(), confirm() and input().

Currently it can open alert dialog windows of the types:

- alert
- confirm
- error - alert with a separate style for error messages
- input box
- wait to display a wait message while performing some processing

There is also msgbox which mimics the Windows API function MessageBox.

Picture of Christian Vigh
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Name: Christian Vigh <contact>
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Country: France France
Age: 58
All time rank: 443 in France France
Week rank: 6 Up2 in France France Up
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?<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>$.msgbox demo</title> <!-- How to use the browser.js features : --> <!-- Step 0 : you need JQuery and jQuery ui --> <script language='javascript' src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js'></script> <script language='javascript' src='//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.min.js'></script> <!-- Step 1 : Include a jQuery UI theme --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/themes/thrak/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.css"> <!-- Optional step 1 : Include $.script --> <!-- Step 2 : Include msgbox.js --> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="thrak.ui.msgbox-1.2.2.js"></script> <!-- The rest of this file is dedicated to the demo --> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document). ready ( function ( ) { // Display a $.alert box with the specified message and a custom title // When closing (by clicking ok or close button), a native "alert" message will be displayed $('#alert'). click ( function ( e ) { $. alert ( $('#sample'). val ( ), "Alert box", function ( ) { alert ( "You will close the $.alert() box" ) ; } ) } ) ; $('#error'). click ( function ( e ) { $. error ( $('#sample'). val ( ), function ( ) { alert ( "You will close the $.error() box" ) ; } ) } ) ; $('#confirm'). click ( function ( e ) { $. confirm ( $('#sample'). val ( ), function ( status ) { alert ( "You chosed " + ( ( status ) ? "[OK]" : "[CANCEL]" ) ) ; } ) } ) ; // When an inputbox closes, the parameter supplied to the callback is either false or the value of the input field $('#inputbox'). click ( function ( e ) { $. inputbox ( $('#sample'). val ( ), function ( status ) { alert ( ( ( status === false ) ? "Input cancelled" : "You entered the following :\n" + status ) ) ; } ) } ) ; $('#wait'). click ( function ( e ) { $. wait ( $('#sample'). val ( ) ) ; setTimeout ( function ( ) { $.wait () ; }, 1000 ) ; } ) ; } ) ; </script> </head> <body> <h1>Sample demo of $.msgbox() :</h1> <br /> Sample text : <input id="sample" type="text" size="110" value="Ma soeur a été mordue par un élan" /> <br /><br /> <input id="alert" type="button" value="$.alert()" /> &nbsp; <input id="error" type="button" value="$.error()" /> &nbsp; <input id="confirm" type="button" value="$.confirm()" /> &nbsp; <input id="inputbox" type="button" value="$.inputbox()" /> &nbsp; <input id="wait" type="button" value="$.wait()" /> </body> </html>



The msgbox jQuery component provides stylable alternatives to the native javascript functions alert(), confirm() and input().

The jQuery object will provide you with the following functions :

  • $.alert()
  • $.confirm()
  • $.error() (this one is an alternative to $.alert(), with a separate style for error messages)
  • $.inputbox()

Additionnally, you can use the $.wait() function to display a wait message while performing some processing.

There is also a (redundant) $.msgbox() function, which mimics the Windows API function MessageBox.


You first need to include jQuery and jQuery UI :

<script language='javascript' src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js'></script>
<script language='javascript' src='//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.min.js'></script>

Then include a theme for styling elements specific to message boxes ; I provide a customized theme, thrak, based on the redmond theme, with additions for message boxes :

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/themes/thrak/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.css">

Finally, include the source file :

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="thrak.ui.msgbox-1.2.1.js"></script>


Calling the native message box functions of your browser is straightforward : call the function and you will be sure that the next instruction after the call will only be executed when the call has completed, ie when the user has closed the message box :

alert ( 'this is some informational message' ) ;
doSomethingAfterAlert ( ) ;

Doing the same using jQuery UI will require you to use callback, in order to take into account the "pure multitasking, asynchronous essential nature" of Javascript. So, using the $.alert() function, you will have to rewrite the above code the way below (note that I use my own indentation style for that, you are free to refuse it !) :

$. alert 
        'this is some informational message',
        function ( )
                doSomethingAfterAlert ( ) ;
    ) ;


Msgbox functions usually take at least 3 arguments :

  • A message string
  • A title string
  • An options object, whose members may depend on the function you call.

You can specify arguments in the order you like, because they are recognized using their types. The only rule to follow is that the message string must appear before the title string (if specified).

The alert(), error(), confirm(), inputbox() and msgbox() functions all accept a callback, which have the following signature :

callback ( status, dialog )

Where status depends on the user action : it is usually a boolean set to true if the user clicked the Ok button and false if the user clicked the Cancel button or the Close icon ; dialog is a reference to the opened dialog object.

All msgbox functions accept an options object, which are simply options passed to the jQuery dialog() function.

Once closed, the displayed message boxes are removed from the DOM.

$.alert ( msg, title, callback, options )

Displays an alert message (simple message box). The parameters are the following :

  • message : Message to be displayed.
  • title : Optional message box title. The default is "Message".
  • callback : A function to be called when the user clicks the "Ok" button or the Close icon (optional).
  • options : Additional dialog options (optional).

The status parameter of the callback function is always set to true.

The options parameter can now contain a buttons member, which allows you to specify additional buttons to your alert box ; each element will be added to the left of the Ok button and can contain the following members :

  • html : The button text to be displayed
  • click : A callback function which will be passed the current event as a parameter. The alert box will be closed if the callback returns a value different from false.

$.error ( msg, title, callback, options )

Displays an error message (simple message box). The parameters are the following :

  • message : Message to be displayed.
  • title : Optional message box title. The default is "Error".
  • callback : A function to be called when the user clicks the "Ok" button or the Close icon (optional).
  • options : Additional dialog options (optional).

The difference with $.alert() resides only in the class names used for styling. The status parameter of the callback function is always set to true.

As for $.alert, additional buttons may be specified with the options parameter.

$.inputbox ( msg, title, callback, options, field_definition )

Asks the user for text input. The parameters are the following :

  • message : Message to be displayed.
  • title : Optional message box title. The default is "Input".
  • callback : A function to be called when the user clicks the "Ok" button or the Close icon (optional).
  • options : Additional dialog options (optional).
  • field_definition : Html input field definition. The default is :

    &lt;input type="text" size="50"/&gt;

Note that you do not need to define an id or name attribute. This parameter is optional.

The status parameter of the callback function is set to the input string if the user clicked Ok, or false if the user clicked on the Cancel button or Close icon.

$.wait ()

This function is used to display a modal dialog with no buttons and no possibility to be closed. You can use it to display a message while doing some long processing.

It can be displayed using one of the following forms :

$.wait ( message )

$.wait ( options )

message is the message to be displayed. options is an object than can contain any $.dialog() options, plus the following specific members :

  • message : Message to be displayed
  • icon : Optional reference to an icon file.

To close the wait dialog box, simply call $.wait() with no parameters.

$.msgbox ( msg, title, callback, flags, options )

The $.msgbox() functions mimics the Windows API MessageBox function. It accepts an additional flags parameter, which is a combination of the following bit constants :

  • $.msgbox.MB_OK : Message box contains a Ok button
  • $.msgbox.MB_OKCANCEL : Message box contains two buttons : Ok and Cancel
  • $.msgbox.MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE : Message box contains three push buttons: Abort, Retry, and Ignore
  • $.msgbox.MB_YESNOCANCEL : Message box contains three push buttons: Yes, No, and Cancel
  • $.msgbox.MB_YESNO : Message box contains two push buttons: Yes and No
  • $.msgbox.MB_RETRYCANCEL : Message box contains two push buttons: Retry and Cancel
  • $.msgbox.MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE : Message box contains three push buttons: Cancel, Try Again, Continue

The default button, in the button set defined by the above constants, can be set to one of the following values :

  • $.msgbox.MB_DEFBUTTON1
  • $.msgbox.MB_DEFBUTTON2
  • $.msgbox.MB_DEFBUTTON3
  • $.msgbox.MB_DEFBUTTON4

The following flags allow to specify an additional icon to be displayed :

  • $.msgbox.MB_ICONWARNING
  • $.msgbox.MB_ICONASTERISK
  • $.msgbox.MB_ICONQUESTION
  • $.msgbox.MB_ICONSTOP
  • $.msgbox.MB_ICONERROR
  • $.msgbox.MB_ICONHAND

The status parameter of the callback function will be set to one of the following constants, representing the button the user clicked :

  • $.msgbox.IDABORT
  • $.msgbox.IDCANCEL
  • $.msgbox.IDCONTINUE
  • $.msgbox.IDIGNORE
  • $.msgbox.IDNO
  • $.msgbox.IDOK
  • $.msgbox.IDRETRY
  • $.msgbox.IDTRYAGAIN
  • $.msgbox.IDYES


The following specific classes are added to dialog box items :

  • ui-popup-dialog-input : input field of a $.inputbox() dialog.
  • ui-popup-dialog-cell : The table cell containing the optional icon
  • ui-popup-dialog-icon : The &lt;div&gt; containing the optional icon
  • ui-popup-dialog-message-cell : The table cell containing the dialog box message
  • ui-popup-dialog-message : The &lt;div&gt; containing the dialog box message
  • ui-popup-dialog-button : A dialog button
  • ui-popup-dialog-titlebar : the dialog title bar
  • ui-popup-dialog-title : the dialog title within the title bar
  • ui-popup-button-icon-only : the Close icon
  • ui-popup-dialog-buttonset : the area of the dialog box containing the buttons
  • ui-popup-dialog-button-text : text of a dialog button

Each of these classes have also a counterpart depending on the function you are calling. For example, the $.alert() function will add a 'ui-alert-dialog-button' class for items that have class 'ui-popup-dialog-button'. $.error() will add ui-error-dialog-button-class, and so on for all the '\-popup\-' classes defined.

  Files folder image Files (23)  
File Role Description
Files folder imagecss (1 directory)
Accessible without login Plain text file index.html Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License file
Accessible without login Plain text file NOTICE Data Disclaimer
Accessible without login Plain text file README.md Doc. Documentation
Plain text file thrak.ui.msgbox-1.2.2.js Class Class source

  Files folder image Files (23)  /  css  
File Role Description
Files folder imagethemes (1 directory)

  Files folder image Files (23)  /  css  /  themes  
File Role Description
Files folder imagethrak (1 file, 1 directory)

  Files folder image Files (23)  /  css  /  themes  /  thrak  
File Role Description
Files folder imageimages (17 files)
  Accessible without login Plain text file jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.css Data Custom theme

  Files folder image Files (23)  /  css  /  themes  /  thrak  /  images  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Image file animated-overlay.gif Data Theme image
  Accessible without login Image file calc-icon.png Data Theme image
  Accessible without login Image file calendar-icon.png Data Theme image
  Accessible without login Image file icon-close.png Data Theme image
  Accessible without login Image file MB_ICONASTERISK.png Data Theme image
  Accessible without login Image file MB_ICONERROR.png Data Theme image
  Accessible without login Image file MB_ICONEXCLAMATION.png Data Theme image
  Accessible without login Image file MB_ICONHAND.png Data Theme image
  Accessible without login Image file MB_ICONINFORMATION.png Data Theme image
  Accessible without login Image file MB_ICONQUESTION.png Data Theme image
  Accessible without login Image file MB_ICONSTOP.png Data Theme image
  Accessible without login Image file MB_ICONWARNING.png Data Theme image
  Accessible without login Image file ui-icons_000000_256x240.png Data Icon library
  Accessible without login Image file ui-icons_791B36_256x240.png Data Icon ibrary
  Accessible without login Image file ui-icons_9f9f9f_256x240.png Data Icon library
  Accessible without login Image file wait32x32.gif Data Theme image
  Accessible without login Image file wait64x64.gif Data Theme image

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