File: tests/run-qunit.js

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File: tests/run-qunit.js
Role: Unit test script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Unit test script
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/** * PhantomJS: QUnit test runner from * * Wait until the test condition is true or a timeout occurs. Useful for waiting * on a server response or for a ui change (fadeIn, etc.) to occur. * * @param testFx javascript condition that evaluates to a boolean, * it can be passed in as a string (e.g.: "1 == 1" or "$('#bar').is(':visible')" or * as a callback function. * @param onReady what to do when testFx condition is fulfilled, * it can be passed in as a string (e.g.: "1 == 1" or "$('#bar').is(':visible')" or * as a callback function. * @param timeOutMillis the max amount of time to wait. If not specified, 3 sec is used. */ function waitFor(testFx, onReady, onError, timeOutMillis) { var maxtimeOutMillis = timeOutMillis ? timeOutMillis : 3001, //< Default Max Timout is 3s start = new Date().getTime(), condition = false, interval = setInterval(function() { if ( (new Date().getTime() - start < maxtimeOutMillis) && !condition ) { // If not time-out yet and condition not yet fulfilled condition = (typeof(testFx) === "string" ? eval(testFx) : testFx()); //< defensive code } else { if(!condition) { // If condition still not fulfilled (timeout but condition is 'false') onError("'waitFor()' timeout"); phantom.exit(1); } else { // Condition fulfilled (timeout and/or condition is 'true') typeof(onReady) === "string" ? eval(onReady) : onReady(); //< Do what it's supposed to do once the condition is fulfilled clearInterval(interval); //< Stop this interval } } }, 100); //< repeat check every 100ms }; function ISODateString(d) { function pad(n){ return n<10 ? '0'+n : n } return d.getUTCFullYear()+'-' + pad(d.getUTCMonth()+1)+'-' + pad(d.getUTCDate())+'T' + pad(d.getUTCHours())+':' + pad(d.getUTCMinutes())+':' + pad(d.getUTCSeconds())+'Z' } function unescapeHtml(str) { str = str.replace(/</g,"&lt;") str = str.replace(/>/g,"&gt;"); str = str.replace(/&/g,"&amp;"); str = str.replace(/"/g,"&quot;"); return str; } var generateJUnitXML = function(result) { console.log('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'); console.log('<!--\n ' + result.testresult + ' \n-->'); var summaryArr = result.testresult.split("\n",3); var durationLine = summaryArr[0]; var countLine = summaryArr[1]; var duration = durationLine.match(/Tests completed in (\d+) milliseconds./)[1] / 1000; var countMatch = countLine.match(/(\d+) tests of (\d+) passed, (\d+) failed./); var testCount = countMatch[2]; var failures = countMatch[3]; var timestamp = ISODateString(new Date()); console.log('<testsuite name="QUnit - JavaScript Tests" timestamp="'+ timestamp +'" tests="'+ testCount +'" failures="'+ failures +'" time="'+ duration +'">'); var testList = document.createElement("ol"); testList.innerHTML = result.tests_html; var testElements = testList.getElementsByTagName('li'); for (var i = 0; i < testElements.length; i++) { var resultLine = testElements[i].innerText; var resultRE = /^([ \w-]*: )?(.+) \((\d+), (\d+), (\d+)\)Rerun/; var resultMatch = resultLine.match(resultRE); if (resultMatch) { var moduleName = resultMatch[1] ? resultMatch[1].slice(0,-": ".length) : ''; var testName = resultMatch[2]; var failure = resultMatch[3]; console.log('<testcase name="'+ testName +'" classname="'+ moduleName +'">'); if (failure > 0) { var failureText = resultLine.replace(resultRE,''); console.log('<failure message="'+ moduleName +'" type="'+ moduleName +'">'); console.log(unescapeHtml(failureText)); console.log('</failure>'); } console.log('</testcase>'); } } console.log('</testsuite>'); }; var onErrorXML = function(msg) { var testName = 'QUnit Timeout'; var moduleName = "QUnit "; var timestamp = ISODateString(new Date()); console.log('<?xml version="1.0"?>'); console.log('<!--\n ' + msg + ' \n-->'); console.log('<testsuite name="QUnit - JavaScript Tests" timestamp="'+ timestamp +'" tests="1" failures="1">'); console.log('<testcase name="'+ testName +'" classname="'+ moduleName +'">'); console.log('<failure message="'+ moduleName +'" type="'+ moduleName +'">'); console.log(msg); console.log('</failure>'); console.log('</testcase>'); console.log('</testsuite>'); } var generateText = function(result) { console.log(result.testresult); console.log(result.tests); } var onErrorText = function(msg) { console.log(msg); } if (phantom.args.length === 0 || phantom.args.length > 2) { console.log('Usage: run-qunit.js URL <TYPE>'); console.log('TYPE: either text or junit-xml'); console.log(phantom.args); phantom.exit(); } var page = new WebPage(); var output = new Object(); output.type = phantom.args[1] || 'text'; output.fn = generateText; output.onError = onErrorText; if (output.type == 'junit-xml') { output.fn = generateJUnitXML; output.onError = onErrorXML; } // Route "console.log()" calls from within the Page context to the main Phantom context (i.e. current "this") page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) { console.log(msg); }; var firstCall;[0], function(status){ //page.loads gets called multiple times when iframes are dynamically added, only allow 1st call to continue if (firstCall !== undefined) { return; } firstCall = false; if (status !== "success") { console.log("Unable to load file: " + phantom.args[0]); console.log(phantom.args); phantom.exit(); } else { waitFor(function(){ return page.evaluate(function(){ var el = document.getElementById('qunit-testresult'); if (el && el.innerText.match('completed')) { return true; } return false; }); }, function(){ var failedNum = page.evaluate(function(){ var el = document.getElementById('qunit-testresult'); try { return el.getElementsByClassName('failed')[0].innerHTML; } catch (e) { } return 10000; }); var result = page.evaluate(function(){ return { testresult: document.getElementById('qunit-testresult').innerText, testresult_html: document.getElementById('qunit-testresult').innerHTML, tests: document.getElementById('qunit-tests').innerText, tests_html: document.getElementById('qunit-tests').innerHTML } }); output.fn(result); phantom.exit((parseInt(failedNum, 10) > 0) ? 1 : 0); }, output.onError, 60000); /*max. 60s for all tests */ }});