File: color_palettes/desktop/HTML.desktop_palette.js

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  Classes of Joseph   JS Master Color Picker script   color_palettes/desktop/HTML.desktop_palette.js   Download  
File: color_palettes/desktop/HTML.desktop_palette.js
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: color palette data
Class: JS Master Color Picker script
Pick colors from a palette
Author: By
Last change: s
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 3,676 bytes


Class file image Download
SoftMoon.loaded_palettes.push( {"HTML": { "header": ["W3C specs for CSS and SVG", "This is a subset of X11 with notable differences."], "palette": { "AliceBlue": "F0F8FF", "AntiqueWhite": "FAEBD7", "Aqua": "00FFFF", "Aquamarine": "7FFFD4", "Azure": "F0FFFF", "Beige": "F5F5DC", "Bisque": "FFE4C4", "Black": "000000", "BlanchedAlmond": "FFEBCD", "Blue": "0000FF", "BlueViolet": "8A2BE2", "Brown": "A52A2A", "BurlyWood": "DEB887", "CadetBlue": "5F9EA0", "Chartreuse": "7FFF00", "Chocolate": "D2691E", "Coral": "FF7F50", "CornflowerBlue": "6495ED", "Cornsilk": "FFF8DC", "Crimson": "DC143C", "Cyan": "00FFFF", "DarkBlue": "00008B", "DarkCyan": "008B8B", "DarkGoldenRod": "B8860B", "DarkGray": "A9A9A9", "DarkGreen": "006400", "darkgrey": "A9A9A9", "DarkKhaki": "BDB76B", "DarkMagenta": "8B008B", "DarkOliveGreen": "556B2F", "DarkOrange": "FF8C00", "DarkOrchid": "9932CC", "DarkRed": "8B0000", "DarkSalmon": "E9967A", "DarkSeaGreen": "8FBC8F", "DarkSlateBlue": "483D8B", "DarkSlateGray": "2F4F4F", "darkslategrey": "2F4F4F", "DarkTurquoise": "00CED1", "DarkViolet": "9400D3", "DeepPink": "FF1493", "DeepSkyBlue": "00BFFF", "DimGray": "696969", "dimgrey": "696969", "DodgerBlue": "1E90FF", "FireBrick": "B22222", "FloralWhite": "FFFAF0", "ForestGreen": "228B22", "Fuchsia": "FF00FF", "Gainsboro": "DCDCDC", "GhostWhite": "F8F8FF", "Gold": "FFD700", "GoldenRod": "DAA520", "Gray": "808080", "grey": "808080", "Green": "008000", "GreenYellow": "ADFF2F", "HoneyDew": "F0FFF0", "HotPink": "FF69B4", "IndianRed": "CD5C5C", "Indigo": "4B0082", "Ivory": "FFFFF0", "Khaki": "F0E68C", "Lavender": "E6E6FA", "LavenderBlush": "FFF0F5", "LawnGreen": "7CFC00", "LemonChiffon": "FFFACD", "LightBlue": "ADD8E6", "LightCoral": "F08080", "LightCyan": "E0FFFF", "LightGoldenRodYellow": "FAFAD2", "LightGray": "D3D3D3", "LightGreen": "90EE90", "lightgrey": "D3D3D3", "LightPink": "FFB6C1", "LightSalmon": "FFA07A", "LightSeaGreen": "20B2AA", "LightSkyBlue": "87CEFA", "LightSlateGray": "778899", "lightslategrey": "778899", "LightSteelBlue": "B0C4DE", "LightYellow": "FFFFE0", "Lime": "00FF00", "LimeGreen": "32CD32", "Linen": "FAF0E6", "Magenta": "FF00FF", "Maroon": "800000", "MediumAquaMarine": "66CDAA", "MediumBlue": "0000CD", "MediumOrchid": "BA55D3", "MediumPurple": "9370DB", "MediumSeaGreen": "3CB371", "MediumSlateBlue": "7B68EE", "MediumSpringGreen": "00FA9A", "MediumTurquoise": "48D1CC", "MediumVioletRed": "C71585", "MidnightBlue": "191970", "MintCream": "F5FFFA", "MistyRose": "FFE4E1", "Moccasin": "FFE4B5", "NavajoWhite": "FFDEAD", "Navy": "000080", "OldLace": "FDF5E6", "Olive": "808000", "OliveDrab": "6B8E23", "Orange": "FFA500", "OrangeRed": "FF4500", "Orchid": "DA70D6", "PaleGoldenRod": "EEE8AA", "PaleGreen": "98FB98", "PaleTurquoise": "AFEEEE", "PaleVioletRed": "DB7093", "PapayaWhip": "FFEFD5", "PeachPuff": "FFDAB9", "Peru": "CD853F", "Pink": "FFC0CB", "Plum": "DDA0DD", "PowderBlue": "B0E0E6", "Purple": "800080", "Red": "FF0000", "RosyBrown": "BC8F8F", "RoyalBlue": "4169E1", "SaddleBrown": "8B4513", "Salmon": "FA8072", "SandyBrown": "F4A460", "SeaGreen": "2E8B57", "SeaShell": "FFF5EE", "Sienna": "A0522D", "Silver": "C0C0C0", "SkyBlue": "87CEEB", "SlateBlue": "6A5ACD", "SlateGray": "708090", "slategrey": "708090", "Snow": "FFFAFA", "SpringGreen": "00FF7F", "SteelBlue": "4682B4", "Tan": "D2B48C", "Teal": "008080", "Thistle": "D8BFD8", "Tomato": "FF6347", "Turquoise": "40E0D0", "Violet": "EE82EE", "Wheat": "F5DEB3", "White": "FFFFFF", "WhiteSmoke": "F5F5F5", "Yellow": "FFFF00", "YellowGreen": "9ACD32" } } } );