File: example_localStorage.html

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File: example_localStorage.html
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Class: JS Local Storage Library
Store and retrieve data in browser local storage
Author: By
Last change: localstorage
Date: 2 years ago
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<html> <head> <title> Example for Local Storage</title> <meta name="description" content="Local Storage for Browser"> <meta name="keywords" content="JS, JQUERY, Jquery Plugin, LocalStorage, offline cache,browser, storage"> <meta name="author" content="developerck" > <script src=""></script> <script src="ls.min.js"></script> <style> fieldset{ border: 1px #ccc solid; margin: 10px; } legend{ font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; color: #333; } </style> </head> <body> <h2> Local Storage , Supported in HTML5, to store data locally in browser by key value pair, up to 5 mb</h2> <h3>here are little example that can show you , how to use this library</h3> <h3>About Library:</h3> <p> * you will need jquery for this <br> You can use this library to store data in local storage of browser, if it is supported, It extend the local storage function of browser , and provide a way to you to interact with storage based on your need, it can be used as<b> BROWSER CACHE FOR YOUR SERVER SIDE API DATA</b>, that you hit frequently. <br> This API can store data for a period of time, that is expiry time, and can delete it after that time, a function does this automatically. from that you can check if you need to hit api , or not. You can append data to an existing storage. <br><hr> <b>How To test what is going on.</b> <br> Steps:- <br> * open this page in chrome. <br> * open developer console <br> * Select Resource Tab <br> * expand local storage from left <br> * click on page name, it will storage in right side. </p> <b>List</b> <br> <hr> <ul> <li><a href="#isStorageSupport"> isStorageSupport</a>: check if browser support local storage</li> <li><a href="#storeObj">storeObj</a>: Storage Object</li> <li><a href="#handleStorage"> handleStorage</a>: automatically handle all things after setup</li> <li><a href="#setExpireTime">setExpireTime</a>: To Set Expire Time</li> <li><a href="#getExpireTime"> getExpireTime</a>: To Set Expire Time</li> <li><a href="#setStorage"> setStorage</a>: Store data in Local Storage</li> <li><a href="#getStorage"> getStorage</a>: Get Data From Local Storage</li> <li><a href="#isKeyExist"> isKeyExist</a>: check if key exist in local storage</li> <li><a href="#getKeyTimeStamp"> getKeyTimeStamp</a>: Get Key Stamp Of Item , when it was saved</li> <li><a href="#isExpired"> isExpired</a>: check with expiry time</li> <li><a href="#addTimeStampInJson"> addTimeStampInJson</a>: if you want to explicitly add time stamp in json</li> <li><a href="#addItemValueByKey"> addItemValueByKey</a>: append data by key value , already stored in local Storage</li> <li><a href="#getItemValueByKey">getItemValueByKey</a>: Retrieve item value by key</li> <li><a href="#clearStorageByKey"> clearStorageByKey </a>: Clear Storage By Key</li> <li><a href="#clearStorage"> clearStorage</a>: Clear All</li> <li><a href="#storageSize"> storageSize</a>: get size of storage</li> <li><a href="#logDetail"> logDetail</a>: Log everything on console</li> <li><a href="#setDebeug"> setDebug</a>: if true Log everything on console, by default false;</li> </ul> <div class="data"> <p> let say our data in json is data = {"a":1,"b":{"b1":"1","b2":2},"c":3} and we want to operate it with our function let say storage key is "EXAMPLE"</p> <p> Let's have a storage obj <br> for debug set <pre>ls.setDebug(true); // it will log in console.</pre> <br> By default expiry time is 1800 second; <br> Data Should be In JSON Format; </p> <p><b> To RUN Example , simply open debugger console panel in window and copy paste that code , and run it.</b></p> <fieldset id="isStorageSupport"> <legend> isStorageSupport</legend> <pre> if(ls.isStorageSupport()){ alert(true); }else{ alert(false); } </pre> </fieldset> <fieldset id="storeObj"> <legend> storeObj</legend> <pre> console.log(ls.storeObj); </pre> will return storage object. </fieldset> <fieldset id="handleStorage"> <legend> handleStorage</legend> this function is most desired function to handle local storage. <pre> ls.setDebug(true); var key = "EXAMPLE"; var data = {"a":1,"b":{"b1":"1","b2":2},"c":3}; var addTimeStamp = true; var option = '';//{doStore: true, itemValuePair:false, other:false}; // itemValuePair is another object in json format to store with that key. ls.handleStorage(key, data, addTimeStamp, option); Note:- value passed in other will not be stored in local storage. </pre> will save the data in local storage. </fieldset> <fieldset id="setExpireTime"> <legend> setExpireTime</legend> this function is used to set expiry time globally <pre> ls.setExpireTime(1200); // in seconds, by default 1800 seconds </pre> </fieldset> <fieldset id="getExpireTime"> <legend> getExpireTime</legend> this function is used to get expiry time <pre> console.log(ls.getExpireTime()); // in seconds, by default 1800 seconds </pre> </fieldset> <fieldset id="setStorage"> <legend> setStorage</legend> this function is used to set storage, if you do not want to use handleStorage() function. <pre> ls.setDebug(true); var key = "EXAMPLE"; var data = {"a":1,"b":{"b1":"1","b2":2},"c":3}; var addTimeStamp = true; var itemValuePair= false; // itemValuePair is another object in json format to store with that key. ls.setStorage(key, data, addTimeStamp,itemValuePair); </pre> </fieldset> <fieldset id="getStorage"> <legend> getStorage</legend> this function is used to get stored data by key <pre> ls.setDebug(true); var key = "EXAMPLE"; console.log(ls.getStorage(key)); </pre> </fieldset> <fieldset id="isKeyExist"> <legend> isKeyExist</legend> this function is used to check if stored key exist in local storage <pre> ls.setDebug(true); var key = "EXAMPLE"; console.log(ls.isKeyExist(key)); </pre> </fieldset> <fieldset id="getKeyTimeStamp"> <legend> getKeyTimeStamp</legend> this function is used to get time stamp value at which data was saved <pre> ls.setDebug(true); var key = "EXAMPLE"; console.log(ls.getKeyTimeStamp(key)); </pre> </fieldset> <fieldset id="isExpired"> <legend> isExpired</legend> this function is used to check if key data is expired with respect to expiry time <pre> ls.setDebug(true); var key = "EXAMPLE"; var eT = 1200; //it is optional , if blank then check global expiry time var clearKey =false; // by default true, if expired then clear the data from storage. console.log(ls.isExpired(key, eT, clearKey)); </pre> </fieldset> <fieldset id="addTimeStampInJson"> <legend> addTimeStampInJson</legend> this function is used to manually add timeStamp in json data <pre> ls.setDebug(true); var data = '{"a":1}'; console.log(ls.addTimeStampInJson(data)); </pre> </fieldset> <fieldset id="addItemValueByKey"> <legend> addItemValueByKey</legend> this function is used to manually add item value pair in stored data <pre> ls.setDebug(true); var storeKey = 'EXAMPLE'; var item ="b"; var value = 2; console.log(ls.addItemValueByKey(storeKey,item, value)); </pre> </fieldset> <fieldset id="getItemValueByKey"> <legend> getItemValueByKey</legend> this function is used to get item value data <pre> ls.setDebug(true); var storeKey = 'EXAMPLE'; var item ="b"; console.log(ls.getItemValueByKey(storeKey,item) ); </pre> </fieldset> <fieldset id="clearStorageByKey"> <legend> clearStorageByKey</legend> this function is used to clear data from local storage through key <pre> ls.setDebug(true); var storeKey = 'EXAMPLE'; console.log(ls.clearStorageByKey(storeKey) ); </pre> </fieldset> <fieldset id="clearStorage"> <legend> clearStorage</legend> this function is used to clear all storage <pre> console.log(ls.clearStorage() ); </pre> </fieldset> <fieldset id="storageSize"> <legend> storageSize</legend> this function is used to calculate storage size , but it is slow , not recommended to use <pre> console.log(ls.storageSize() ); </pre> </fieldset> <fieldset id="logDetail"> <legend> logDetail</legend> this function is used to log Detail on console if debug is true, but by default debug is false; <pre> console.log(ls.logDetail("any data") ); </pre> </fieldset> <fieldset id="setDebug"> <legend> setDebug</legend> this function is used to set debug true or false, that will handle logDetail function, <pre> console.log(ls.setDebug(true) ); </pre> </fieldset> </div> <hr> </body> </html>