File: src/components/Item.ts

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File: src/components/Item.ts
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: JS Webdav Client
Access files of a Webdav server
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 11 months ago
Size: 13,310 bytes


Class file image Download
import { BasicLightBox, create } from 'basiclightbox'; import Element, { addClass, emit, off, on, removeClass, s, } from '@dom111/element'; import joinPath, { trailingSlash } from '../lib/joinPath'; import DAV from '../lib/DAV'; import Entry from '../lib/Entry'; import Prism from 'prismjs'; import State from '../lib/State'; import TreeViewModal from './TreeViewModal'; import previewItems from '../lib/previewItems'; import { success } from 'melba-toast'; import { t } from 'i18next'; const template = (entry: Entry): string => `<li tabindex="0" data-full-path="${ entry.fullPath }" data-type="${entry.type}"> <span class="title">${entry.title}</span> <input type="text" name="rename" class="hidden" readonly> <span class="size">${entry.displaySize}</span> <a href="${entry.fullPath}" download="${}" title="${t( 'download' )} (?+?)"></a> <a href="#" title="${t('copy')}" class="copy"></a> <a href="#" title="${t('rename')} (F2)" class="rename"></a> <a href="#" title="${t('move')}" class="move"></a> <a href="#" title="${t('delete')} (?)" class="delete"></a> </li>`; export default class Item extends Element { #dav: DAV; #entry: Entry; #state: State; #templates: { [key: string]: (entry: Entry, content?: string) => string; } = Object.freeze({ video: (entry: Entry): string => `<video autoplay controls><source src="${entry.fullPath}"/></video>`, audio: (entry: Entry): string => `<audio autoplay controls><source src="${entry.fullPath}"/></audio>`, image: (entry: Entry): string => `<img alt="${entry.title}" src="${entry.fullPath}"/>`, font: (entry: Entry): string => { const formats = { eot: 'embedded-opentype', otf: 'opentype', ttf: 'truetype', }, extension =^.+\.([^.]+)$/, '$1').toLowerCase(), fontName = entry.fullPath.replace(/\W+/g, '_'), demoText = `${t('pangram')} 0123456789<br/> ${t('alphabet')}`; return `<style>@font-face{font-family:"${fontName}";src:url("${ entry.fullPath }") format("${formats[extension] || extension}")}</style> <h1 style="font-family:'${fontName}'">${entry.title}</h1> <p style="font-family:'${fontName}';font-size:1.5em">${demoText}</p> <p style="font-family:'${fontName}'">${demoText}</p> <p style="font-family:'${fontName}'"><strong>${demoText}</strong></p> <p style="font-family:'${fontName}'"><em>${demoText}</em></p>`; }, text: (entry: Entry, content: string): string => `<pre><code class="language-${entry.extension}">${content.replace( /[<>]/g, (c: string): string => (c === '<' ? '&lt;' : '&gt;') )}</code></pre>`, pdf: (entry: Entry): string => `<iframe src="${entry.fullPath}" height="100%" width="100%"></iframe>`, }); constructor(entry: Entry, dav: DAV, state: State) { super(s(template(entry))); this.#dav = dav; this.#state = state; this.#entry = entry; this.addClass( ...[ ? 'directory' : 'file', entry.type ? entry.type : 'unknown', ] ); if (entry.placeholder) { this.addClass('loading'); } if (!entry.copy) { this.query('.copy').setAttribute('hidden', ''); } if (!entry.del) { this.query('.delete').setAttribute('hidden', ''); } if (!entry.move) { this.query('.move').setAttribute('hidden', ''); } if (!entry.rename) { this.query('.rename').setAttribute('hidden', ''); } this.bindEvents(); } private bindEvents(): void { this.on('click', (event: MouseEvent): void => { if (event.ctrlKey || event.button === 1) {; return; } if (event.shiftKey) {; return; }; }); const entryUpdatedHandler = (): void => {'updated', entryUpdatedHandler); this.update(); }; this.#entry.on('updated', entryUpdatedHandler); on(this.query('[download]'), 'click', (event: MouseEvent): void => event.stopPropagation() ); on(this.query('.delete'), 'click', (event: MouseEvent): void => { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); this.del(); }); on(this.query('.rename'), 'click', (event: MouseEvent): void => { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); this.rename(); }); on(this.query('.copy'), 'click', (event): void => { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); this.copy(); }); on(this.query('.move'), 'click', (event): void => { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); this.move(); }); this.on('keydown', (event: KeyboardEvent): void => { if (['F2', 'Delete', 'Enter'].includes(event.key)) { event.preventDefault(); if (event.key === 'F2' && this.#entry.rename) { this.rename(); } if (event.key === 'Delete' && this.#entry.del) { this.del(); } if (event.key === 'Enter' && ! && event.shiftKey) {; return; } if (event.key === 'Enter') {; } } }); } async copy(): Promise<void> { const entry = this.#entry, modal = new TreeViewModal( t('copyItemTitle', { file: entry.title, }) );; const target = await modal.value(); modal.close(); if (!target) { return; } const destination = joinPath(target,, checkResponse = await this.#dav.check(destination, true); if ( checkResponse.ok && !confirm( t('overwriteFileConfirmation', { file:, }) ) ) { return; } const response = await this.#dav.copy( entry.fullPath, destination, entry, true ); if (!response.ok) { return; } this.#dav.invalidateCache(trailingSlash(target)); success( t('successfullyCopied', { interpolation: { escapeValue: false, }, from: entry.title, to: destination, }) ); } async del(): Promise<void> { const entry = this.#entry; if (!entry.del) { throw new TypeError(`'${}' is read only.`); } this.addClass('loading'); if ( !confirm( t('deleteConfirmation', { file: entry.title, }) ) ) { this.removeClass('loading'); return; } const response = await this.#dav.del(entry.fullPath); if (!response.ok) { return; } this.#state.getCollection().remove(this.#entry); this.element().remove(); success( t('successfullyDeleted', { interpolation: { escapeValue: false, }, file: entry.title, }) ); } download(): void { if ( { return; } emit(this.query<HTMLAnchorElement>('[download]'), new MouseEvent('click')); } async move(): Promise<void> { const entry = this.#entry, modal = new TreeViewModal( t('moveItemTitle', { file: entry.title, }) );; const target = await modal.value(); modal.close(); if (!target) { return; } const destination = joinPath(target,, checkResponse = await this.#dav.check(destination, true); if ( checkResponse.ok && !confirm( t('overwriteFileConfirmation', { file:, }) ) ) { return; } const response = await this.#dav.move( entry.fullPath, destination, entry, true ); if (!response.ok) { return; } this.#dav.invalidateCache(trailingSlash(target)); this.#state.update(true); success( t('successfullyMoved', { interpolation: { escapeValue: false, }, from: entry.title, to: destination, }) ); } async open(): Promise<void> { if (this.hasClass('open')) { return; } this.addClass('open', 'loading'); const entry = this.#entry, response = await this.#dav.check(entry.fullPath); if (!response.ok) { this.removeClass('open', 'loading'); return; } if ( { this.#state.setPath(entry.fullPath); this.removeClass('open', 'loading'); return; } const launchLightbox = ( lightboxContent: string, onShow: ((lightbox: BasicLightBox) => any) | null = null ): void => { const close = (): void => lightbox.close(), keyListener = (event: KeyboardEvent): void => { if (!['Escape', 'ArrowUp', 'ArrowDown'].includes(event.key)) { return; } const [previous, next] = previewItems( this.element(), 'li:not(.directory):not([data-type="unknown"])' ); close(); if (event.key === 'ArrowUp' && previous) { emit(previous, new MouseEvent('click')); } if (event.key === 'ArrowDown' && next) { emit(next, new MouseEvent('click')); } }, lightbox = create(lightboxContent, { className: entry.type, onShow: (): boolean => { this.removeClass('loading'); on(document, 'keydown', keyListener); if (onShow) { onShow(lightbox); } this.#state.showPath(entry.fullPath); this.#state.on('updated', close); return true; }, onClose: (): boolean => { off(document, 'keydown', keyListener);'updated', close); this.#state.showPath(entry.path); this.removeClass('open'); return true; }, });; }; if (['video', 'audio', 'image', 'font', 'pdf'].includes(entry.type)) { launchLightbox(this.#templates[entry.type](entry)); this.removeClass('loading'); return; } if (entry.type !== 'text') { this.removeClass('open', 'loading');; return; } const content = await this.#dav.get(entry.fullPath); if (!content) { this.removeClass('open', 'loading'); return; } launchLightbox( this.#templates.text(entry, content), (lightbox: BasicLightBox): void => Prism.highlightAllUnder(lightbox.element()) ); this.removeClass('loading'); } async rename(): Promise<void> { const entry = this.#entry; if (!entry.rename) { throw new TypeError(`'${}' cannot be renamed.`); } const node = this.element(), title = this.query<HTMLElement>('.title'), input = this.query<HTMLInputElement>('input'), setInputSize = (): void => { title.innerText = input.value;'width', `${title.scrollWidth}px`); }, save = async (): Promise<void> => { // don't process if there's no name change if (input.value !== entry.title) { this.addClass('loading'); unbindListeners(); const destinationPath = joinPath(entry.path, input.value), result = await this.#dav.move( entry.fullPath, destinationPath, entry ); if (!result.ok) { return; } success( t('successfullyRenamed', { interpolation: { escapeValue: false, }, from: entry.title, to: input.value, }) ); = input.value; } revert(); }, unbindListeners = (): void => { off(input, 'blur', blurListener); off(input, 'keydown', keyDownListener); off(input, 'input', inputListener); }, revert = (): void => { removeClass(title, 'invisible'); addClass(input, 'hidden'); input.value = entry.title; setInputSize(); unbindListeners(); node.focus(); }, blurListener = async (): Promise<void> => { await save(); }, keyDownListener = async (event: KeyboardEvent): Promise<void> => { event.stopPropagation(); if (event.key === 'Enter') { event.preventDefault(); await save(); } if (event.key === 'Escape') { revert(); } }, inputListener = (): void => { return setInputSize(); }; addClass(title, 'invisible'); removeClass(input, 'hidden'); input.value = entry.title; setInputSize(); input.removeAttribute('readonly'); on(input, 'blur', blurListener); on(input, 'keydown', keyDownListener); on(input, 'input', inputListener); input.focus(); } update(): void { const newItem = new Item(this.#entry, this.#dav, this.#state); this.element().replaceWith(newItem.element()); } }