File: src/components/List.ts

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File: src/components/List.ts
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: JS Webdav Client
Access files of a Webdav server
Author: By
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Date: 11 months ago
Size: 2,459 bytes


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import Element, { emit, on, s } from '@dom111/element'; import Collection from '../lib/Collection'; import DAV from '../lib/DAV'; import Entry from '../lib/Entry'; import Item from './Item'; import State from '../lib/State'; import previewItems from '../lib/previewItems'; import supportsFocusWithin from '../lib/supportsFocusWithin'; export class List extends Element<HTMLUListElement> { #dav: DAV; #state: State; constructor(dav: DAV, state: State) { super(s('<ul class="loading"></ul>')); this.#dav = dav; this.#state = state; this.load(); this.bindEvents(); } private bindEvents(): void { this.#state.on('updated', (bypassCache: boolean): void => { if (this.#state.isDirectory()) { this.load(bypassCache); return; } const item = this.query<HTMLLIElement>( `[data-full-path="${this.#state.getPath()}"]` ); if (!item) { return; } emit(item, new MouseEvent('click')); }); this.#state.on('collection-updated', (): void => this.render()); const arrowHandler = (event: KeyboardEvent): void => { if (!['ArrowUp', 'ArrowDown'].includes(event.key)) { return; } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); const current = this.query( `li:focus${supportsFocusWithin ? ', li:focus-within' : ''}` ) as HTMLElement, [previous, next] = current ? previewItems(current) : [ this.element().firstElementChild as HTMLElement, this.element().firstElementChild as HTMLElement, ]; if (event.key === 'ArrowUp' && previous) { previous.focus(); } if (event.key === 'ArrowDown' && next) { next.focus(); } }; on(document, 'keydown', arrowHandler); } async load(bypassCache: boolean = false): Promise<void> { const collection = await this.#dav.list(this.#state.getPath(), bypassCache); if (!collection) { return; } this.update(collection); } private render(): void { this.addClass('loading'); this.empty(); this.#state .getCollection() .forEach((entry: Entry): void => this.append(new Item(entry, this.#dav, this.#state)) ); this.removeClass('loading'); } update(collection: Collection): void { this.#state.setCollection(collection); this.render(); } } export default List;