File: tests/functional/List.test.ts

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  Classes of Dom Hastings   JS Webdav Client   tests/functional/List.test.ts   Download  
File: tests/functional/List.test.ts
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: JS Webdav Client
Access files of a Webdav server
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 11 months ago
Size: 7,997 bytes


Class file image Download
import { ConsoleMessage, ElementHandle } from 'puppeteer'; import { isLightboxClosed, isPageReady, isLightboxShown, expectToastShown, isElementGone, isElementThere, } from '../lib/isReady'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import { trailingSlash } from '../../src/lib/joinPath'; const BASE_URL = process.env.BASE_URL ?? 'http://localhost:8080/', DESTINATION_FONT_FILE = '/tmp/BlackAndWhitePicture-Regular.ttf'; if (process.argv.some((flag) => flag.match(/-debug/))) { page.on('console', (message: ConsoleMessage): void => { if (message.type() === 'error') { console.error(message.text()); const trace = message.stackTrace(); if (trace.length) { console.error( [ `Stack trace:`, (message): string => message.url + ' (' + message.lineNumber + ':' + message.columnNumber + ')' ), ].join('\n') ); } return; } if (message.type() === 'warning') { console.warn(message.text()); return; } if (message.type() === 'info') {; return; } console.log(message.text()); }); } describe('WebDAV.js', () => { describe('List', () => { it('should be possible to preview items', async () => { // Wait for page JS to replace page contents await isPageReady(page, BASE_URL); await ( [ [ '[data-full-path="/0.jpg"]', async (lightbox: ElementHandle) => { await expect(await lightbox.$('img')).toBeTruthy(); }, ], [ '[data-full-path="/BlackAndWhitePicture-Regular.ttf"]', async (lightbox: ElementHandle) => { await expect(await lightbox.$('img')).toBeFalsy(); await expect(await lightbox.$$('style')).toHaveLength(1); await expect(await lightbox.$$('h1')).toHaveLength(1); await expect(await lightbox.$$('p')).toHaveLength(4); }, ], [ '[data-full-path="/dummy.pdf"]', async (lightbox: ElementHandle) => { await expect(await lightbox.$('iframe')).toBeTruthy(); }, ], [ '[data-full-path="/style.css"]', async (lightbox: ElementHandle) => { await expect(await lightbox.$('pre.language-css')).toBeTruthy(); }, ], [ '[data-full-path="/video.mp4"]', async (lightbox: ElementHandle) => { await expect(await lightbox.$('video[autoplay]')).toBeTruthy(); }, ], ] as [string, (lightbox: ElementHandle) => Promise<void>][] ).reduce( async ( previous: Promise<void>, [selector, expectation] ): Promise<void> => { await previous; await; await expectation(await isLightboxShown(page)); await isLightboxClosed(page); await page.waitForTimeout(500); }, Promise.resolve(null) ); }); it('should be possible to create a new navigable directory, rename it and delete it', async () => { await isPageReady(page, BASE_URL); page.once( 'dialog', async (dialog) => await dialog.accept('new-directory') ); await'.create-directory'); await isElementThere(page, '[data-full-path="/new-directory/"]'); await expectToastShown( page, `'new-directory' has been created.`, 'success' ); await'[data-full-path="/new-directory/"]'); await page.waitForTimeout(200); await expect(await page.$$('main ul li')).toHaveLength(1); await expect(await page.$('[data-full-path="/"]')).toBeTruthy(); await'[data-full-path="/"]'); await page.waitForTimeout(200); await expect(await page.$$('main ul li')).toHaveLength(24); await'[data-full-path="/new-directory/"] .rename'); await page.waitForFunction(() => document.activeElement.matches( '[data-full-path="/new-directory/"] input[type="text"]' ) ); await page.keyboard.down('Control'); await'Backspace'); await page.keyboard.up('Control'); await page.type( '[data-full-path="/new-directory/"] input[type="text"]', 'folder' ); await'Enter'); await expectToastShown( page, `'new-directory' successfully renamed to 'new-folder'.`, 'success' ); await isElementThere(page, '[data-full-path="/new-folder/"]'); page.once('dialog', async (dialog) => await dialog.accept()); await'[data-full-path="/new-folder/"] .delete'); await isElementGone(page, '[data-full-path="/new-folder/"]'); await expectToastShown(page, `'new-folder' has been deleted.`, 'success'); }); it('should show expected errors', async () => { await isPageReady(page, BASE_URL); await'[data-full-path="/inaccessible-dir/"]'); await expectToastShown( page, `HEAD ${trailingSlash( BASE_URL )}inaccessible-dir/ failed: Forbidden (403)`, 'error' ); await'[data-full-path="/inaccessible-file"]'); await expectToastShown( page, `HEAD ${trailingSlash( BASE_URL )}inaccessible-file failed: Forbidden (403)`, 'error' ); await'[data-full-path="/inaccessible-image.jpg"]'); await expectToastShown( page, `HEAD ${trailingSlash( BASE_URL )}inaccessible-image.jpg failed: Forbidden (403)`, 'error' ); await'[data-full-path="/inaccessible-text-file.txt"]'); await expectToastShown( page, `HEAD ${trailingSlash( BASE_URL )}inaccessible-text-file.txt failed: Forbidden (403)`, 'error' ); }); it('should be possible to download a file', async () => { await isPageReady(page, BASE_URL); await expect(() => fs.accessSync(DESTINATION_FONT_FILE)).toThrow(); await page .target() .createCDPSession() .then((client) => client.send('Page.setDownloadBehavior', { behavior: 'allow', downloadPath: '/tmp', }) ); await '[data-full-path="/BlackAndWhitePicture-Regular.ttf"] [download]' ); // wait for the file to download await page.waitForTimeout(400); await expect(() => fs.accessSync(DESTINATION_FONT_FILE)).not.toThrow(); fs.rmSync(DESTINATION_FONT_FILE); }); it('should be possible to upload a file', async () => { await isPageReady(page, BASE_URL); const elementHandle = (await page.$( 'input[type=file]' )) as ElementHandle<HTMLInputElement>; await elementHandle.uploadFile('./package.json'); await expectToastShown( page, `'package.json' has been successfully uploaded.`, 'success' ); await'[data-full-path="/package.json"]'); await page.once('dialog', async (dialog) => { await dialog.accept(); }); await'[data-full-path="/package.json"] .delete'); await isElementGone(page, '[data-full-path="/package.json"]'); await expectToastShown( page, `'package.json' has been deleted.`, 'success' ); }); }); beforeAll(async () => { try { fs.accessSync(DESTINATION_FONT_FILE); fs.rmSync(DESTINATION_FONT_FILE); } catch (e) { // we don't need to do anything here } }); });