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Class Action

Version 1.0.
Defined in: Hydra.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Action is the class that will manage the action listeners and notifications.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
oActions is the property that will save the actions to be listened
type is a property to be able to know the class type.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
__restore__ is a private method to reset the oActions object to an empty object.
listen(aNotificationsToListen, fpHandler, oModule)
listen is the method that will add a new action to the oActions object and that will activate the listener.
notify is the method that will launch the actions that are listening the notified action
stopListen(aNotificationsToStopListen, oModule)
stopListen removes the actions that are listening the aNotificationsToStopListen in the oModule
Class Detail
<private> Action()
Action is the class that will manage the action listeners and notifications.
Author: Tomas Corral Casas.
Field Detail
{Object} Action.oActions
oActions is the property that will save the actions to be listened
Author: Tomas Corral Casas.

{String} Action.type
type is a property to be able to know the class type.
Author: Tomas Corral Casas.
Method Detail
<private> __restore__()
__restore__ is a private method to reset the oActions object to an empty object.
Author: Tomas Corral Casas.

listen(aNotificationsToListen, fpHandler, oModule)
listen is the method that will add a new action to the oActions object and that will activate the listener.
Author: Tomas Corral Casas.
{Array} aNotificationsToListen
{Function} fpHandler
{Object} oModule

notify is the method that will launch the actions that are listening the notified action
Author: Tomas Corral Casas.
- Notifier.type and are needed

stopListen(aNotificationsToStopListen, oModule)
stopListen removes the actions that are listening the aNotificationsToStopListen in the oModule
Author: Tomas Corral Casas.
{Array} aNotificationsToStopListen
{Object} oModule

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Sat Jul 16 2011 19:06:22 GMT+0200 (CEST)