File: MonthByValueKeyDown.js

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File: MonthByValueKeyDown.js
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: The Main JSON Object
Class: Month By Value Key Down
Select the form input option using the number keys
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 3,143 bytes


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MonthByValueKeyDown = { KeyCodeMap:{48:"0", 49:"1", 50:"2", 51:"3", 52:"4", 53:"5", 54:"6", 55:"7", 56:"8", 57:"9", 96:"0", 97:"1", 98:"2", 99:"3", 100:"4", 101:"5", 102:"6", 103:"7", 104:"8", 105:"9"}, TimeBetweenKeys:350, keysPressed:[], shift:false, ctrl:false, timeout:null, element:null, selectItemByValue:function (value){ for(var i=0; i < MonthByValueKeyDown.element.options.length; i++){ if(MonthByValueKeyDown.element.options[i].value == value) MonthByValueKeyDown.element.selectedIndex = i; } }, isElement:function(obj) { try { return obj instanceof HTMLElement; } catch(e){ return (typeof obj==="object") && (obj.nodeType===1) && (typeof === "object") && (typeof obj.ownerDocument ==="object"); } }, timeLimitExpire:function(){ var str = ""; for(var index in MonthByValueKeyDown.keysPressed){ if(index == 0){ if( MonthByValueKeyDown.keysPressed[index] == "1"){ str += MonthByValueKeyDown.keysPressed[index] } }else{ str += MonthByValueKeyDown.keysPressed[index]; } } // select the correct option in dropdown MonthByValueKeyDown.keysPressed = [], MonthByValueKeyDown.selectItemByValue(str); }, init:function(element){ if(typeof(element) == "undefined"){ throw "Can't Initilize without an element"; return;} if(typeof(element) == "string"){ if(typeof(jQuery) == "undefined"){ throw "cant Initilize using a String selector with out jQuery!"; return;} MonthByValueKeyDown.element = jQuery(element); element = jQuery(element); } if(typeof(element) == "object"){ if(element.jquery){ if(element.length > 1){ throw "Can't use on more than a single element"; } MonthByValueKeyDown.element = jQuery(element)[0]; element = jQuery(element); }else{ if(MonthByValueKeyDown.isElement(element)){ MonthByValueKeyDown.element = element; element.bind = (element.addEventListener)? element.addEventListener:element.attachEvent; } } } element.bind("keydown", function(e){ evt = (e)? e:window.event; if(!MonthByValueKeyDown.shift && !MonthByValueKeyDown.ctrl){ if(evt.keyCode == 16){ MonthByValueKeyDown.shift = true; return; } if(evt.keyCode == 17){ MonthByValueKeyDown.ctrl = true; return; } if(typeof(MonthByValueKeyDown.KeyCodeMap[evt.keyCode]) != "undefined"){ MonthByValueKeyDown.keysPressed[MonthByValueKeyDown.keysPressed.length] = MonthByValueKeyDown.KeyCodeMap[evt.keyCode]; if(MonthByValueKeyDown.keysPressed.lengh == 2){ clearTimeout(MonthByValueKeyDown.timeout); MonthByValueKeyDown.selectItemByValue(MonthByValueKeyDown.keysPressed[0]+MonthByValueKeyDown.keysPressed[1]) }else{ MonthByValueKeyDown.timeout = setTimeout("MonthByValueKeyDown.timeLimitExpire()", MonthByValueKeyDown.TimeBetweenKeys); } } } // 49-57 }); element.bind("keyup", function(e){ evt = (e)? e:window.event; if(evt.keyCode == 16){ MonthByValueKeyDown.shift = false; return; } if(evt.keyCode == 17){ MonthByValueKeyDown.ctrl = false; return; } }); } }