File: src/lib/Entry.ts

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File: src/lib/Entry.ts
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: JS Webdav Client
Access files of a Webdav server
Author: By
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Date: 6 months ago
Size: 5,069 bytes


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import joinPath, { pathAndName, trailingSlash } from './joinPath'; import Collection from './Collection'; import EventEmitter from '@dom111/typed-event-emitter/EventEmitter'; type EntryArgs = { copy?: boolean; directory?: boolean; fullPath?: string; title?: string; modified?: number; move?: boolean; size?: number; mimeType?: string; del?: boolean; rename?: boolean; placeholder?: boolean; collection?: Collection | null; }; type EntryEvents = { updated: []; }; export default class Entry extends EventEmitter<EntryEvents> { #copy: boolean; #del: boolean; #directory: boolean; #displaySize: string; #extension: string; #fullPath: string; #mimeType: string; #modified: Date; #move: boolean; #name: string; #path: string; #placeholder: boolean; #rename: boolean; #size: number; #title: string; #type: string; collection: Collection | null; constructor({ fullPath, collection = null, copy = true, del = true, directory = false, mimeType = '', modified, move = true, placeholder = false, rename = true, size = 0, title = '', }: EntryArgs) { super(); const [path, name] = this.getFilename(fullPath); const modifiedDate = new Date(); modifiedDate.setTime(modified); this.#path = path; this.#name = name; this.#copy = copy; this.#directory = directory; this.#fullPath = fullPath; this.#title = title; this.#modified = modifiedDate; this.#move = move; this.#size = size; this.#mimeType = mimeType; this.#del = del; this.#rename = rename; this.#placeholder = placeholder; this.collection = collection; } createParentEntry(): Entry { return this.update({ fullPath: trailingSlash(this.path), title: '&larr;', copy: false, del: false, move: false, rename: false, }); } getFilename(path: string): [string, string] { return pathAndName(path); } update(properties: EntryArgs = {}): Entry { const newEntry = new Entry({ ...{ directory:, fullPath: this.fullPath, modified: this.modified.getTime(), size: this.size, mimeType: this.mimeType, del: this.del, rename: this.rename, collection: this.collection, },, }); this.emit('replaced', newEntry); return newEntry; } get copy(): boolean { return this.#copy; } get del(): boolean { return this.#del; } get directory(): boolean { return this.#directory; } get displaySize(): string { if (this.#directory) { return ''; } if (!this.#displaySize) { this.#displaySize = ['bytes', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB'].reduce( (size: string | number, label) => { if (typeof size === 'string') { return size; } if (size < 1024) { return `${size.toFixed(2 * (label === 'bytes' ? 0 : 1))} ${label}`; } return size / 1024; }, this.#size ) as string; } return this.#displaySize; } get extension(): string { if ( { return ''; } if (!this.#extension) { this.#extension ='.').pop(); } return this.#extension; } get fullPath(): string { return this.#fullPath; } get mimeType(): string { return this.#mimeType; } get modified(): Date { return this.#modified; } get move(): boolean { return this.#move; } get name(): string { return this.#name; } set name(name: string) { this.#name = encodeURIComponent(name); this.#title = null; this.#type = null; this.#fullPath = joinPath(this.#path, this.#name); if ( { this.#fullPath = trailingSlash(this.#fullPath); } // regenerate these: this.title; this.type; this.emit('updated'); } get path(): string { return this.#path; } get placeholder(): boolean { return this.#placeholder; } set placeholder(value: boolean) { this.#placeholder = value; } get rename(): boolean { return this.#rename; } get size(): number { return this.#size; } get title(): string { if (!this.#title) { this.#title = decodeURIComponent(this.#name); } return this.#title; } get type(): string { if (!this.#type) { const types = { text: /\.(?:te?xt|i?nfo|php|cgi|faq|ini|htaccess|log|md|sql|sfv|conf|sh|pl|pm|py|rb|(?:s?c|sa)ss|js|java|coffee|[sx]?html?|xml)$/i, image: /\.(?:jpe?g|gif|a?png|svg)$/i, video: /\.(?:mp(?:e?g)?4|mov|avi|webm|ogv|mkv)$/i, audio: /\.(?:mp3|wav|ogg|flac|mka)$/i, font: /\.(?:woff2?|eot|[ot]tf)$/i, pdf: /\.pdf$/i, }; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(types)) { if (this.#name.match(value)) { return (this.#type = key); } } this.#type = 'unknown'; } return this.#type; } }