File: src/lib/State.ts

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File: src/lib/State.ts
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: JS Webdav Client
Access files of a Webdav server
Author: By
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Date: 6 months ago
Size: 2,082 bytes


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import Collection from './Collection'; import EventEmitter from '@dom111/typed-event-emitter/EventEmitter'; import { t } from 'i18next'; import { on } from '@dom111/element'; export class State extends EventEmitter<{ 'collection-updated': []; updated: [boolean?]; }> { #collection: Collection; #location: Location; #history: History; #document: Document; #window: Window; #collectionUpdatedListener = (): void => this.emit('collection-updated'); constructor(document: Document, window: Window) { super(); this.#document = document; this.#window = window; this.#location = window.location; this.#history = window.history; this.bindEvents(); this.setTitle(this.getPath()); } private bindEvents(): void { on(this.#window, 'popstate', () => this.update()); } getCollection(): Collection { return this.#collection; } getPath(): string { return this.#location.pathname; } getTitleForPath(path: string): string { return t('title', { interpolation: { escapeValue: false, }, path: decodeURIComponent(path), }); } isDirectory(): boolean { return this.getPath().endsWith('/'); } setCollection(collection: Collection): void { if (this.#collection) {'updated', this.#collectionUpdatedListener); } this.#collection = collection; collection.on('updated', this.#collectionUpdatedListener); } setPath(path: string): void { if (this.#location.pathname !== path) { this.showPath(path); this.emit('updated'); } } private setTitle(path: string): void { const title = this.getTitleForPath(path); if (this.#document.title !== title) { this.#document.title = title; } } showPath(path: string): void { if (this.#location.pathname !== path) { this.#history.pushState({ path }, this.getTitleForPath(path), path); this.setTitle(path); } } update(bypassCache: boolean = false): void { this.emit('updated', bypassCache); } } export default State;