File: jquery-photowall/jquery-photowall.js

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File: jquery-photowall/jquery-photowall.js
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: jQuery PhotoWall
jQuery plug-in to show a wall of pictures
Author: By
Last change: Update of jquery-photowall/jquery-photowall.js
Date: 4 years ago
Size: 28,264 bytes


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/* jQuery PhotoWall with ShowBox jQuery image gallery script with fullscreen mode. Copyright (C) 2012 Andrey Nikishaev(, Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ function getScrollBarWidth () { var inner = document.createElement('p'); = "100%"; = "200px"; var outer = document.createElement('div'); = "absolute"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "hidden"; = "200px"; = "150px"; = "hidden"; outer.appendChild (inner); document.body.appendChild (outer); var w1 = inner.offsetWidth; = 'scroll'; var w2 = inner.offsetWidth; if (w1 == w2) w2 = outer.clientWidth; document.body.removeChild (outer); return (w1 - w2); }; function $_GET(){ var s = location.hash; a = s.match(/[^&#=]*=[^&#=]*/g); r = {}; if(a) { for (i=0; i<a.length; i++) { r[a[i].match(/[^&#=]*/)[0]] = a[i].match(/=([^&#]*)/)[0].replace('=', ''); } } return r; } // Hotfix for adding jQuery.browser method onto newer versions (it got deprecated) if ( !jQuery.browser ) { jQuery.uaMatch = function( ua ) { ua = ua.toLowerCase(); var match = /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) || /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) || /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) || /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) || ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec( ua ) || []; return { browser: match[ 1 ] || "", version: match[ 2 ] || "0" }; }; matched = jQuery.uaMatch( navigator.userAgent ); browser = {}; if ( matched.browser ) { browser[ matched.browser ] = true; browser.version = matched.version; } // Chrome is Webkit, but Webkit is also Safari. if ( ) { browser.webkit = true; } else if ( browser.webkit ) { browser.safari = true; } jQuery.browser = browser; } /* TODO: Add screen size check on zoom. */ var PhotoWall = { version: "0.1.4", _photos: {}, _el: null, _c_width: 0, _c_height: 0, _first_big: null, _zoom_trigger: null, _zs: null, _zoom_timeout: null, _last_line: [], _must_resize: false, _inited: false, _block_resize: false, _line_max_height:0, options: { lineMaxHeight:150 ,lineMaxHeightDynamic: false ,baseScreenHeight: 600 ,isFirstBig: false // Not implemented ,firstBigWidthPercent: 0.41 ,padding:10 ,zoomAction:'mouseenter' ,zoomTimeout:500 ,zoomDuration:300 ,zoomImageBorder:5 ,showBoxPadding: 2 ,showBoxSocial: true }, init: function(op) { PhotoWall.options = $.extend(PhotoWall.options,op); PhotoWall.options.baseScreenHeight = $(window).height(); PhotoWall._el = op.el+' .body'; PhotoWall._c_width = $(PhotoWall._el).width()-getScrollBarWidth(); PhotoWall._c_height = $(PhotoWall._el).height(); PhotoWall._line_max_height = PhotoWall.options.lineMaxHeight; PhotoWall._setLineMaxHeightDynamic(); $(PhotoWall._el).html('').addClass('clearfix'); $(window).resize(PhotoWall.RESIZE); }, _init_socials: function go(){ var s = 'script'; var d = document; var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], load = function(url, id) { if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement(s); js.src = url; = id; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }; load('', 'fbjssdk'); load('', 'gplus1js'); load('', 'tweetjs'); }, _setLineMaxHeightDynamic: function() { if(PhotoWall.options.lineMaxHeightDynamic) { var fact = $(window).height()/PhotoWall.options.baseScreenHeight; PhotoWall.options.lineMaxHeight = (PhotoWall._line_max_height*fact >= 100)?(PhotoWall._line_max_height*fact):100; } }, RESIZE: function() { var w = $(PhotoWall._el).width(); var h = $(PhotoWall._el).height(); PhotoWall._setLineMaxHeightDynamic(); if((!PhotoWall.options.lineMaxHeightDynamic && PhotoWall._c_width == w) || PhotoWall._block_resize) return; if(ShowBox.opened()) { PhotoWall._must_resize=true; return; } PhotoWall._c_width = w; PhotoWall._c_height = h; PhotoWall._must_resize=false; $(PhotoWall._el).html('');; }, // Here we resize all photos to max line height and replace main data array. load: function(data) { if(!PhotoWall.options.lineMaxHeightDynamic) { for(var i in data) { var fact = PhotoWall.options.lineMaxHeight/data[i].th.height; data[i]['th'].width = Math.floor(data[i]['th'].width * fact); data[i]['th'].height = PhotoWall.options.lineMaxHeight; } } PhotoWall._photos = data;; }, /* This method render images by lines to the container. If 'data' is set then images from 'data' will be appended to the container, else images from container will be replace by the images from the main array. */ show: function(data) { var imgArray = new Array(); var line = []; var totalWidth = 0; if(!data) { // when we load images if(!PhotoWall._photos) return; $(PhotoWall._el).html(''); //$(window).scrollTop(0); imgArray = PhotoWall._photos; } else { // when we need to update list of images. imgArray = data; line = PhotoWall._last_line[0]; totalWidth = PhotoWall._last_line[1]; } var addImage = function(id,padding,w,h,big,th,cw,ch) { var img_pos = ''; var crop = ''; if(cw && ch) { img_pos = 'position:absolute;left:-'+Math.round((w-cw)/2)+'px;top:-'+Math.round((h-ch)/2)+'px;' crop = 'pw-crop'; } var t = $('<div id="'+id+'" class="pw-photo '+crop+' clearfix" style="' +'margin:'+padding+'px;' +'width:'+w+'px;height:'+h+'px;float:left;' +'"><a class="pw-link" href="'+big +'"><img class="pw-zoom" src="'+th+'" ' +'width="'+w+'" height="'+h+'" style="'+img_pos+'" /></a></div>' ); if($.browser.msie) { t.find('img').hide().load(function(){$(this).fadeIn(300);}); } else { t.find('img').css('opacity',0).load(function(){ $(this).delay(Math.random()*(1000 - 300)+300) .animate({"opacity":1},{duration:1000}); }); } return t; } /* Create line of images and add it to container body. */ var showLine = function(line,total_width,last,first) { var num_photos = line.length; var ln = $("<div class='pw-line' style='width:"+(total_width+num_photos*PhotoWall.options.padding*2)+"px'></div>") .appendTo(PhotoWall._el); var space = (first)?(PhotoWall._c_width*PhotoWall.options.firstBigWidthPercent+PhotoWall.options.padding*2):0; var hCoef = (PhotoWall._c_width-space-num_photos*PhotoWall.options.padding*2) / total_width; if(last) var hCoef = 1; var l = 0; for(var k in line) { var w = Math.floor(line[k].th.width*hCoef); var h = Math.floor(line[k].th.height*hCoef); var t; // This needed to fit images in container, because due to round // function it can be different in few pixels. l += w; if(!last && k == (num_photos-1)) { w += (PhotoWall._c_width-space-num_photos*PhotoWall.options.padding*2)-l; } t = addImage(line[k].id,PhotoWall.options.padding,w,h,line[k].img,line[k].th.src); ln.append(t); } return t; };/* End of showLine() */ var lines = 0; var firstLineHeight = PhotoWall.options.padding*2; var first = true; for(var i in imgArray) { var space = 0; var first_space = false; var e = null; //PhotoWall.options.lineMaxHeight = PhotoWall._line_max_height; // if lineMaxHeight changes on resize then recompute image sizes. if(PhotoWall.options.lineMaxHeightDynamic) { var fact = PhotoWall.options.lineMaxHeight/imgArray[i].th.height; imgArray[i]['th'].width = Math.floor(imgArray[i]['th'].width * fact); imgArray[i]['th'].height = PhotoWall.options.lineMaxHeight; } if(PhotoWall.options.isFirstBig && first) { PhotoWall._first_big = imgArray[i]; first = false; continue; } if(lines < 2 && PhotoWall.options.isFirstBig) { var h =; //PhotoWall.options.lineMaxHeight = (Math.round(h/2) < PhotoWall._line_max_height)?Math.round(h/2):PhotoWall._line_max_height; first_space = true; space = PhotoWall._c_width*PhotoWall.options.firstBigWidthPercent; } line.push(imgArray[i]); totalWidth += imgArray[i].th.width; if(totalWidth >= (PhotoWall._c_width - space)) { var ln = showLine(line,totalWidth,0,first_space); if(lines < 2) firstLineHeight += ln.height(); PhotoWall._last_line = [line,totalWidth,ln]; line = []; totalWidth = 0; lines++; } } if(PhotoWall.options.isFirstBig) { var im = PhotoWall._first_big; var fact = PhotoWall._c_width*PhotoWall.options.firstBigWidthPercent/imgArray[i].width; var w = im.width * fact; var h = im.height * fact; = w; = h; = im.img; = im.img; PhotoWall._first_big = addImage(, PhotoWall.options.padding, w, h, im.img, im.img ).prependTo(PhotoWall._el); } if(line) { if(lines < 2 && PhotoWall.options.isFirstBig) first_space = true; var ln = showLine(line,totalWidth,1,first_space); PhotoWall._last_line = [line,totalWidth,ln]; } // Hack: Fix line width if scroll bar not present. if(PhotoWall._c_width < $(PhotoWall._el).width()) { PhotoWall.RESIZE(); } if(!PhotoWall._inited) { PhotoWall._inited = true; PhotoWall.initGUI(); } }, /* Initialize GUI. */ initGUI: function() { if(PhotoWall.options.zoom) PhotoWall.initZoom(); if(PhotoWall.options.showBox) PhotoWall.initShowBox(); }, /* Initialize ShowBox. */ initShowBox: function() { var menuBar = ''; var update = null; if(PhotoWall.options.showBoxSocial) { menuBar = '<div style="padding-top: 5px;width: 250px;position: relative;left: 50%;margin-left: -125px;"><div style="float:left;margin-top: 5px;width:80px;"><div id="gplus" class="g-plusone" data-size="medium"></div></div><div style="float:left;margin-top:5px;width:90px;"><a href="" class="twitter-share-button">Tweet</a></div><div style="float:left;margin-top:5px;width:80px;" id="fblike"><fb:like send="false" layout="button_count" width="100" show_faces="false"></fb:like></div></div>'; update = function(){ if(typeof(FB) !== 'undefined') FB.XFBML.parse(document.getElementById('fblike')); if(typeof(gapi) !== 'undefined') { gapi.plusone.render(document.getElementById('gplus'),{ 'href':location.href, 'annotation':'bubble', 'width': 90, 'align': 'left', 'size': 'medium' }); } if(typeof(twttr) !== 'undefined') { $('#showbox .twitter-share-button').attr('data-url',location.href); twttr.widgets.load(); } }; } ShowBox.init(PhotoWall._el+'',{ closeCallback:function(){ if(PhotoWall._must_resize) { PhotoWall.RESIZE(); } }, menuBarContent: menuBar, onUpdate: update }); if(PhotoWall.options.showBoxSocial) PhotoWall._init_socials(); }, /* Initialize image zoom. */ initZoom: function() { $(".pw-zoom").on(PhotoWall.options.zoomAction,function (){ var img = $(this); if(!parseInt(img.css('opacity'))) return; img.stop().addClass('pw-photo-hover'); // Make images to zoom only after some time to prevent zoom on mouse move. PhotoWall._zoom_timeout = setTimeout(function(){ img.removeClass('pw-photo-hover'); img.addClass('pw-photo-zoomed'); if(PhotoWall._zoom_timeout) { PhotoWall._zs = [img.width(),img.height()]; var container = img.parent().parent(); var item = PhotoWall._photos[container.attr('id')]; // Preload zoomed image and replace old only when it loaded. var bigIMG = $('<img/>'); bigIMG.attr('src',; bigIMG.load(function(){ img.attr('src',$(this).attr('src')); $(this).remove(); }); // calculating zoom image size var w = Math.round(img.width()*; var h = Math.round(img.height()*; // calculating diff size var dw = w - img.width(); var dh = h - img.height(); // calculating left and top margin var l = -(dw) * 0.5-PhotoWall.options.zoomImageBorder; var t = -(dh) * 0.5-PhotoWall.options.zoomImageBorder; var o = container.offset(); var wn = $(window); var winFact = 1; // Prevent image to expand out of visible part of window if(o.left + l + w > (wn.width()+wn.scrollLeft())) l -= (o.left + l + w) - (wn.width()+wn.scrollLeft())+PhotoWall.options.zoomImageBorder*2; if(o.left + l < wn.scrollLeft()) l -= (o.left + l)-wn.scrollLeft(); if( + t + h > (wn.height()+wn.scrollTop())) t -= ( + t + h) - (wn.height()+wn.scrollTop())+PhotoWall.options.zoomImageBorder*2; if( + t < wn.scrollTop()) t -= ( + t)-wn.scrollTop(); // END // Prevent image from being bigger then visible part of window if(w+PhotoWall.options.zoomImageBorder*2 > wn.width()) winFact *= (wn.width()-PhotoWall.options.zoomImageBorder*2)/(w+PhotoWall.options.zoomImageBorder*2); if((h*winFact+PhotoWall.options.zoomImageBorder*2) > wn.height()) winFact *= (wn.height()-PhotoWall.options.zoomImageBorder*2)/(h*winFact+PhotoWall.options.zoomImageBorder*2); // END // Zooming img.animate({ "margin-left": l, "margin-top": t, "width": Math.round(w*winFact), "height": Math.round(h*winFact), "padding": PhotoWall.options.zoomImageBorder }, { queue: false, duration: PhotoWall.options.zoomDuration, easing: 'linear' }); } },PhotoWall.options.zoomTimeout); }); $(".pw-zoom").on('mouseleave',function(){ var img = $(this); var container = img.parent().parent(); var item = PhotoWall._photos[container.attr('id')]; if (PhotoWall._zoom_timeout) { clearTimeout(PhotoWall._zoom_timeout) PhotoWall._zoom_timeout = null; } img.removeClass('pw-photo-hover'); if(img.hasClass('pw-photo-zoomed')) { img.stop().css({ "margin": '', "padding": '', "width": PhotoWall._zs[0] + 'px', "height": PhotoWall._zs[1] + 'px' }); PhotoWall._zs = null; img.removeClass('pw-photo-zoomed'); } }); } } /* ShowBox - Fullscreen image viewer that overlay on the current page. */ var ShowBox = { version: "0.1.5", _opened: false, _preview_locked: false, _images: [], _index: 0, _current: '', _inited: false, _th: null, options: [], init: function(el,op) { var a = { closeCallback: function(){}, menuBarContent:'', onUpdate: null }; ShowBox.options.push($.extend(a,op)); ShowBox._init(el); ShowBox._initEvents(el); ShowBox._parseGet(); }, _init: function(el) { ShowBox._images.push([]); if(ShowBox.options[ShowBox.options.length-1].menuBarContent) { $('body').append( '<div id="showbox-menubar'+(ShowBox.options.length-1)+'" style="overflow:hidden;width:100%;position:absolute;top:-999999px;">' + ShowBox.options[ShowBox.options.length-1].menuBarContent +'</div>' ); } if(!ShowBox._inited) { $( '<div id="showbox" style="display:none;">' +' <div id="showbox-exit"></div>' +' <div class="showbox-menubar unselect" unselectable="on" style="display:none !important;"></div>' +' <div class="showbox-image unselect" unselectable="on">' +' </div>' +' <div id="showbox-loader"></div>' +' <div class="showbox-preview unselect">' +' <div class="showbox-pv-lock"></div>' +' <div class="showbox-th-counter" unselectable="on"></div>' +' </div>' +'</div>' ).appendTo('body'); } $('body').append( '<div id="showbox-thc'+(ShowBox.options.length-1)+'" style="overflow:hidden;width:100%;position:absolute;top:-999999px;"><div class="showbox-th-container clearfix"></div></div>' ); var i = 0; var lc = ShowBox._images.length-1; $(el).each(function(){ var t = $(this); ShowBox._images[lc].push([t.attr('href'),t.find('img').attr('src')]); ShowBox._addThumb(lc,ShowBox._images[lc][i][1],i); i++; }); }, _initEvents: function(el) { if(el) { var num = ShowBox._images.length-1; $(el).on('click',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); ShowBox._opened = true; var gal = num; ShowBox._current = gal; var src = $(this); for(var i in ShowBox._images[gal]) { if(ShowBox._images[gal][i][0] == src.attr('href')) { ShowBox._index = parseInt(i); ShowBox._th = $('#showbox-thc'+gal+' .showbox-th').eq(i).addClass('showbox-th-active'); break; } } ShowBox._show(gal); }); } if(!ShowBox._inited) { ShowBox._inited = true; $(document).keyup(function(e){ if(!ShowBox._opened) return; ShowBox.KEYPRESSED(e); }); $('#showbox-exit').click(function(){ if(!ShowBox._opened) return; ShowBox.EXIT(this); }); $('#showbox .showbox-preview').mouseenter(function(){ if(ShowBox._preview_locked) return; ShowBox.OPENPREVIEW(this); }); $('#showbox .showbox-preview').mouseleave(function(){ if(!ShowBox._opened) return; if(ShowBox._preview_locked) return; ShowBox.CLOSEPREVIEW(this); }); $('#showbox .showbox-preview').click(function(){ if(!ShowBox._opened) return; ShowBox.LOCKPREVIEW(this); }); $(window).resize(function(){ ShowBox.RESIZE(this); }); } }, _parseGet: function() { var get = $_GET(); if(get['p'] && get['gal']) { ShowBox._opened = true; var gal = parseInt(get['gal'])-1; var p = parseInt(get['p'])-1; if((ShowBox.options.length-1) != gal) return; ShowBox._index = p; ShowBox._current = gal; ShowBox._th = $('#showbox-thc'+gal+' .showbox-th').eq(p).addClass('showbox-th-active'); ShowBox._show(gal); } }, _next: function() { var total = ShowBox._images[ShowBox._current].length; ShowBox._index += 1; if(ShowBox._index >= total) ShowBox._index = 0; ShowBox._changeImage(ShowBox._index); }, _prev: function() { var total = ShowBox._images[ShowBox._current].length; ShowBox._index -= 1; if(ShowBox._index < 0) ShowBox._index = total-1; ShowBox._changeImage(ShowBox._index); }, _show: function(gal) { var thc = $('#showbox-thc'+gal).detach(); var mb = $('#showbox-menubar'+gal).detach(); thc.appendTo('#showbox .showbox-preview'); mb.prependTo('#showbox .showbox-menubar'); thc.css({position:'relative',top:'0px'}); mb.css({position:'relative',top:'0px'}); $('#showbox-loader').show(); $('body').css('overflow','hidden'); $('#showbox').fadeIn(200,function() { ShowBox._changeImage(ShowBox._index); }); }, _addThumb: function(gal,im,i) { $('<div class="showbox-th"><img src="'+im+'" /></div>') .appendTo('#showbox-thc'+gal+' .showbox-th-container').find('img').load(function(){ var w = $(this).width(); var h = $(this).height(); var l = 0; var t = 0; var fact = 1; if(w >= h) { fact = 60/h; } else { fact = 60/w; } w = Math.round(w * fact); h = Math.round(h * fact); l = Math.round((w - 60)/2); $(this).attr({ width: w, height: h }).css({ left: -l, top: -t }); }).parent().click(function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); var ind = i; ShowBox._changeImage(ind); }); }, _onChangePhoto: function() { if(typeof(ShowBox.options[ShowBox._current].onUpdate) == 'function') { ShowBox.options[ShowBox._current].onUpdate(); } }, _changeImage: function(ind) { $('#showbox-loader').show(); $('#showbox .showbox-menubar').hide(); $('#showbox .showbox-menubar').html(''); ind = parseInt(ind); var total = ShowBox._images[ShowBox._current].length; ShowBox._setCounter(ind+1,total); window.location.hash = 'p='+(ind+1)+'&gal='+(ShowBox._current+1); $('#showbox .showbox-menubar').append('<div id="showbox-menubar'+ShowBox._current+'" style="position:relative;">'+ShowBox.options[ShowBox._current].menuBarContent+'</div>'); ShowBox._onChangePhoto(); ShowBox._index = ind; $('#showbox .showbox-img').remove(); ShowBox._th.removeClass('showbox-th-active'); ShowBox._th = $('#showbox .showbox-th').eq(ind).addClass('showbox-th-active'); var img = $('<img class="showbox-img" style="display:none;"/>') .prependTo('#showbox .showbox-image').click(ShowBox._next); img.attr('src',ShowBox._images[ShowBox._current][ind][0]) .load(function(){ //bugfix for IE if($.browser.msie) { try{ $(this).width(); $(this).height(); } catch(err){}; } var iW = $(this).prop('width'); var iH = $(this).prop('height'); $(this).attr({ width:iW, height:iH }).fadeIn(400); $('#showbox-loader').hide(); $('#showbox .showbox-menubar').show(); ShowBox.RESIZE(); }); }, _setCounter: function(num,total) { $('#showbox .showbox-th-counter').html(num+' of '+total); }, _clearHash: function() { window.location.hash = '_'; }, opened: function() { return ShowBox._opened; }, EXIT: function(el){ ShowBox._clearHash(); ShowBox._opened = false; $('body').css('overflow','auto'); $('#showbox').hide(); ShowBox.options[ShowBox._current].closeCallback(); $('#showbox .showbox-menubar').hide(); $('#showbox .showbox-image img').remove(); $('#showbox-thc'+ShowBox._current).css({position:'absolute',top:'-10000px'}).detach().appendTo('body'); $('#showbox-menubar'+ShowBox._current).css({position:'absolute',top:'-10000px'}).detach().appendTo('body'); }, KEYPRESSED: function(e) { if(e.keyCode==27) { ShowBox.EXIT(); } if(e.keyCode==39) { ShowBox._next(); } if(e.keyCode==37) { ShowBox._prev(); } }, OPENPREVIEW: function(el){ $(el).animate({bottom:0},{queue: false,duration:150}); }, CLOSEPREVIEW: function(el){ $(el).animate({bottom:-75},{queue: false,duration:150}); }, LOCKPREVIEW: function(el){ ShowBox._preview_locked = ShowBox._preview_locked?false:true; if(ShowBox._preview_locked) { $('#showbox .showbox-pv-lock').show(); $(el).css({ 'background': '#111', 'border-top': '1px solid #383838' }); } else { $('#showbox .showbox-pv-lock').hide(); $(el).css({ 'background': '', 'border-top': '' }); } }, RESIZE: function(el){ if(!ShowBox._opened) return; var showbox = $('#showbox'); var img = $('#showbox .showbox-image img'); var cW = showbox.width(); var cH = showbox.height()-146; if(!ShowBox.options[ShowBox._current].menuBarContent) cH = showbox.height()-111; var iH = parseInt(img.attr('height')); var iW = parseInt(img.attr('width')) var factor = 1; if(iH > (cH)) { factor = cH/iH; } if(iW > cW) { if(factor != 1) { factor2 = cW/(iW*factor); if(factor2 < 1) { factor *= factor2; } } else { factor = cW/iW; } } var imW = Math.round(factor * iW); var imH = Math.round(factor * iH); if(imH > iH || imW > iW) { imW = iW; imH = iH; } var imL = Math.round((cW - imW)/2); var imT = Math.round((cH - imH)/2)+5; $('#showbox .showbox-image').css({ 'width': imW+'px', 'height': imH+'px', 'margin-left': imL+'px', 'margin-top': imT+'px' }).find(' img').css({ 'width': imW+'px', 'height': imH+'px' }); var thL = Math.round(cW/2) - (ShowBox._index * 64 + 30); $('#showbox .showbox-th-container').animate({ left: thL },{duration:300,queue:false}); } }