Validation: Validate form inputs according to the CSS class

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validation 1.0BSD License1.0Validation, jQuery


This object can validate form inputs according to the CSS class.

It uses the jQuery library to traverse the list of inputs of a form and performs validations of types defined in the CSS class attribute of each input.

Currently it supports validations of types: required, email, date, time currency, numeric, alphanumeric, alphabetic, state, zip code and URL.

If the fields are invalid an error message is displayed inside a page element for displaying validation errors.

Picture of Larry Wakeman
Name: Larry Wakeman <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: United States United States
Age: 73
All time rank: 515 in United States United States
Week rank: 6 Up2 in United States United States Up


This script can be used to validate a form or a control. This script requires jQuery. To load this script, use the following: <script language="JavaScript" src="validation.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript"> var valid = new validate(); </script> The form definitions should be as follows: <form method="POST" action="targetPage" name="FormName" id="FormName" onsubmit="return valid.validateForm(this);"> Items to be validated should be described as follows: <label for="FacilityState">Facility State</label> <input type="text" name="FacilityState" id="FacilityState" class="a list of validations and other classes" size="3" onchange="javascript: valid.validateInput(this);"> <div id="FacilityStateError" class="validationError" style="display:none;"></div> You might be able to use onblur events but if you display a popup, that gets to be problematic and by default, this script creates a popup. You can also put a div as follows on your page to display any validation errors from the form: <div id="ValidationError" class="validationError" style="display: none;"></div> Valid validations are: required email date - in dd-mon-yyyy, dd-mm-yyyy, yyyy-mon-dd or yyyy-mm-dd formats time currency numeric alphanumeric alpha phone state zipcode urlentry Valid controls are: text testarea select - Required only, value not '' or 0 radio buttons - one must be checked

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Accessible without login Plain text file index.htm Example Example
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Plain text file validation.js Class validation class

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